Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Narrowing it down

Jenna was nice enough to let us use her digital recorder during the lecture and will be posting it for you all as soon as I get it back to her today. It raised an interesting question for me about our purpose....are we supposed to design one cool story/site or something that can be applied universally? Anyway, here is my list of smooshy ideas:

1. I like the idea of combining flicker news and second life news. At first it is just a map with news pictures and headlines flashing up but give the people the opportunity to zoom into their location and have a look around. Everything would be linked, like Rob suggested, to more information and archives.

2. Combining Facebook and Who cares news? might be NEAT! If we could add another page for people to fill out for their profile including interests and then create a news page for them based on those interests. This is cool because they wouldln't have to create another/new profile (that can be annoying).

3. I am intrigued by Hepi's idea of physical location news....I picture it being like a tour of a city with information each place you stop....could be great for tourists. If not, then it would be a great featue to add with the Flicker/Second Life (map with proximity news).

4. I like the idea of readers getting to know their journalists. However, I want to implement some type of technology with it...Any suggestions? Perhaps we could use a dictation software and have journalists talk into their cell phones that would post to blogs. It would be more immediate this way.

5. I still like the idea of creating a data base that includes all formats of news, news on youtube, news discussion in blogs and news chats. It would also include acual news room news coverage too to make it LEGIT. If nothing else it would get people to talk about news so that they could get posted and receive their 15 min.

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