Saturday, June 16, 2007

Rob's Ideas

Hey guys,

I think I got most of my list. I did have to throw out my News wiki idea since its already been done. Some of these may have already been done as well but I didn't find anything.

  1. Serious Journalism Website but staff is able to tell a sub story about themselves and open all background communication and story discussion to public. Audience comes to know and is able to communicate easily with staff through forums or other method. Website becomes sort of public commodity, completely open to examination.
  1. Big Picture Journalism Site. Instead of reporting on individual events and connecting up to larger issue, start with big issue, then narrow down to reported events. For example a crime page would have thorough statistics and overall analysis of where and why crime is being committed then filter down to show individual incidents and details.
  1. Different Lens Journalism. Have the same stories told by different people. For example and economist might tell a story that emphasizes the economic impact while a political reporter will report it through a policy or public approval viewpoint. Maybe have discussions about differences in reporting.
  1. Video. Let viewer use your footage or interviews and their own to make their own segments. Have them reviewed by community and aired or posted as content.
  1. Same as above but with all content, pictures, data, text, sources etc. Hopefully readers will be able to make connections with unrelated content that staff may have missed.
  1. In conjunction with some social network site. Have a news or issue segment where you can discuss recent news or popular issues but just with people you are friends with. People seem to be more reasonable when they’re talking to people they know. Well some people.
  1. Forums- the whole geographic/political block/ small democracy replicated town hall thing. People in you shared political jurisdiction talk about issues or news items. Something like this appears to have already been done but is just focused on particular stories.
  1. No news News- site covers major stories from 1 year ago and updates their status and gives updates on the current conditions or what has happened since. Can also cover current stories but with a lean toward their historical context and links to similar events that happened in the past.
  1. Information Overload- Front page is just a wall of images from different stories. Mouse over one and it will start a slideshow with audio. Stop by mousing over to another image and it too will start telling story. Mousing back will resume other stories where they stopped. Clicking will take you into full page for each slideshow and let you comment or see background info and such.
  1. Still working on it!

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