Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Data Visualization

As you all know, I love data. I've been noticing that more and more newspapers and magazines are taking lessons learned online and implementing cool new ways of data visualization for print in more advanced or cool looking ways. Kind of reverse engineering. I'm not sure if these are helpful to our project but maybe somebody will get a bolt of innovation from looking at them.

Some Jonathan Harris stuff

Good Magazine is All about Visual Data

So I was thinking, man this stuff would be a lot cooler online. I could click on stuff and it would take me to more info. It would be cleaner since you wouldn't have to squeeze all that text in there.But how can I make THIS post more visual, how can I implement some cool visuals into ordinary stories? Can it be done automatically? Anyways just trying to get the juices flowing.


Charlotte-Anne said...

Rob --
Was it you who brought this Data Visualization site into our JOUR 170 class? Here is the link -- Many Eyes: Social Data Visualization site (you will understand when you see it)

and don't forget that I posted a bunch of tools like this on our Google Group here:

Rob said...

It was I. I was thinking maybe we could do something cool to help standardize various forms of data views but seems like everything has been done. Maybe we could make a tool to help people make stuff like Harris' magazine projects (not just bars and lines, although that is cool) but for the web? But really all you need is Photoshop and some data. Or flash (or java) for online stories. if you have enough skill you can do pretty much anything right now.

msjennabird said...

Rob...this Jonathan Harris stuff reminded me of like a trail sort of...and maybe something else except I can't see all the images that well...but that's neither here nor there. Re-focusing on the post after this and sort of incorporating both of these posts we could create some kind of news trail...that takes the story backward almost...to the WHY...but I need your brain and expertise to broaden that idea...lemme know whatcha think...
