Friday, July 13, 2007

Community Journalism roundup

A bunch of people who are a lot smarter than I am have weighed in about the future of community journalism/citizen journalism in light of the demise of I'll try to give you a guide to some of the most thoughtful pieces that I have run across. I urge you to meander through this and "click on through," sideways and otherwise to the places these folk suggest, so you get more facets of the picture.
One of the first roundups of the situation came from Paul Farhi of the Washington Post. Here is a link to Paul's piece.
One of the most recent pieces comes from the always thoughtful Steve Yelvington, who also, thoughtfully rounds up all of the other blogs who posted on this. Check out his post, Learning from Backfence.
While you're there, you should be sure to click through to the other links, which are to some very provocative posts. They made me think ...
And then you should check out the Facebook group, Exploding Newsrooms, where the Wall has a post from none other than Backfence founder Mark Potts, who weighs in on the situation.
that's all for now ...

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