Thursday, July 12, 2007

Groupware Incorporation

Sup Groupies,

So I saw this speech on the research channel about groupware and how it hasn't changed much since the 60's and how prime it is for innovation (or just implementation). So I started thinking maybe we should incorporate some collaborative aspects into our final project. Maybe we can try to make it all about collaboration between users?

So what I'm thinking is having the main front page like we talked about before that shows stories using overlays and portrays data geographically and all that. Behind that you can pop up a content portal, like at the Newgrounds Flash Portal (which is not their main page), that would show the latest stories, pictures, data, videos and such uploaded as independent stories. There would also be columns for top rated, award winning (we could give out daily awards if theres enough people using it, for ex. top daily views), weekly top 20, monthly , etc. Parallel to that (and this is the innovative part) there would be a collaboration portal. Here you could post stories that you are not quite finished with or that you need pictures for or that you want some input on before you post. You could also post pictures up if your a photographer for people to use with their stories or data visualizations for other projects. There would also be a forum of some sort (not necessarily linear) where you can discuss story ideas and figure out who will get what roles in putting together a story or a feature (with multiple stories) and give you a place to stay in contact throughout the process. All of this could be connected to the main pages as well so that if I'm checking out the Henderson view and looking at the posted local stories, I could click on an overlay that shows stories in progress and lets me comment if I think something is incorrect or if I have better info or personal experience with the topic. This could also work as a way of connecting sources with reporters before the article is finalized, or after.

*I should have checked before but wikinews does appear to have a collaboration tab which functions the same as the discussion tab on wikipedia. To basically talk about articles, which is not exactly what I was talking about.

Anyways, lemme know what you think, we can talk about it tonight.



msjennabird said...


I went to the wikinews site and clicked on the collaboration tab, but I don't know how to collaborate...I think. Plus, what you are talking about sounds a little bit different...I'm thinking like a posting board for special stories that aren't finished or need certain pieces...not necessarily how every story can be tweaked on I right?

Rob said...

right, i guess